most amazing unheard facts.

today you are going to know most unheard facts!

soooooooooo! here we go!

amazing fact that will create goosebumps!

1) you are familier with plasma.Plasma is one of the state of matter present on the earth.
Image result for photos of plasma
It is formed by the A plasma may be produced in the laboratory by heating a gas to an extremely high temperature, which causes such vigorous collisions between its atoms and molecules that electrons are ripped free, yielding the requisite electrons and ions.some examples of plasma is the lightening ,flame etc.
Image result for photos of LIGHTNING
so the fact about plasma is plasma can have very high pressure, like in stars. Stars (including the Sun) are mostly made of plasma.
so we are able to make an artificial sun with the help of the concept of plasma. this work of making of an artificial sun is done.

2)fact about bose einstein condensate.

do you know what is bose einstein condensate?? Yes it is also a state of matter formed when matter is cooled at the very low temperature of about 0 kelvin or -273.15 degree celcius.

Image result for photos of BOSE EINSTEIN CONDENSATE
So the fact about bose einstein condensate, 
Image result for photos of BOSE EINSTEIN CONDENSATE
is that with the help of the concept of bose einstein condensate we can do teleportation from one place to another but because at present we can,t approach the 0 kelvin state we are unable it will possible!

3)fact about dark matter.
Image result for photos of DARK MATTER
dark matter is that matter which is present in the space and which consist of dark energy . its ratio of percentage composition of dark energy to the the dark matter is 95%.

So the fact about the dark matter is,

that the mass of one spoon of dark matter is equivalent to the the mass of the mount everest.This miracle is all about density the dark matter,s density is the cause of that miracle.

4)fact about einstein,s IQ
Image result for image of man with question mark

You have better know about IQ. an IQ(INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT)is the total score of the standardized testsor subtests designed to access human intelligence lets take an example the normal IQ is from 85 to 115 generally in the case of physist the IQ is about 150 or more.

so the fact is that,

the einsteins IQ is unknown. nobody can do even an estimations about the IQ of einstein.

5)one more really interesting fact about the einstein BRAIN  
Albert Einstein's brain - Wikipedia

we all know that ienstein was a born geinus in mathematics he loved mathematics so much.
But do you know why it is so????

actually the mystery was in his brain.

Based on old photographs that had been taken of Einstein’s brain before it was cut up, the researchers claimed that Einstein had an abnormal folding pattern in part of his parietal lobe, a region that has been linked to mathematical ability. They also reported that his parietal lobes were 15 percent wider, and more symmetrical, than those of control brains. Once again, though, the researchers were not blinded to which photographs showed Einstein’s brain.

in short the mathematical part of einstein,s  brain was 15% wider than the normal one.

these are the 5 most un heard facts that you might know.

if you like that facts then tell me the feedback in the comment box.

thank you!

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